Once the top of the eyeballs meets the upper horizontal line, they fully bend. The eye sketch’s outermost points are situated nearer to the lowest horizontal line. After that, they make a little diagonal movement across the horizontal line. As you can see, they veer slightly to the left of the horizontal line, similar to upside-down arches. The drawn eyes should depict a soft curve that curves at the inner corner. Examine your original image and note how the eyes look like a football or, more accurately, two ovals. At this point, the inner portion of the eye sketch will begin to take shape. We will start outlining the anatomy of our eyes with our H pencils from the ends where the outermost vertical lines meet the lowest horizontal line. We’ll now begin to transform an eye drawing into a lifelike image of an eye. It’s okay if you wish to adhere to the proportions in this instruction too. Use this measuring ratio to enlarge or reduce the eye drawing. The measurements will always be properly aligned if you can set them up.
It doesn’t matter how big you want your eyes to be while sketching them.
Add a line over your horizontal line that is parallel to your horizontal line at a distance of 1.5 cm. The same thing applies to our horizontal line right now. Regardless of what length they are, you can still extend them down our pages. The very next thing we should do is to create lines that are 1.5 cm wide on either side of our vertical line, parallel to it. This should resemble a cross on our pages. In order to create two equal lengths of 7.5 cm on each side, we will construct a horizontal line across our vertical line at this point. Then, we wish to designate a point at a distance of 5 cm from the upper part of that line. Any length will do, but for the purposes of this lesson, let’s choose 15 cm. Once you’ve located the middle of the page, start drawing a perfect vertical line through it. Find their intersections by doing this, and our page’s center should be the result. After measuring it vertically, split the reading in half and repeat for the horizontal value. To accomplish this, measure the page both horizontally and vertically. Let’s start by locating the page’s center. With all of our resources ready and your reference image placed conveniently in front of you on your workstation, let’s get started on our realistic eye drawing. Since each component is necessary for the process of drawing eyes, we should have them all ready to go. So with that said, it’s time to start drawing.
Step-by-Step Instructions on How to Draw Eyes Up until the eyes are finished, different aspects are layered on top of the other, creating coherently drawn eyes from seemingly disconnected shapes. That ought to be the guiding premise of this eye drawing tutorial. Consider how other elements are placed over the first element in the eye sketch. Think about how various elements are stacked on top of one another. Take a minute to examine your own eyes in a mirror while you explore how to draw eyes. Take Note Before Attempting Your Drawn Eyes 4.2 What Is the Hardest Part of Drawing Eyes?.2.11 Step 11: Creating the Final Shading Layer With Pen.2.7 Step 7: Creating Eyelashes and Dark Pen Shading.2.6 Step 6: Light Shading and Adding Further Details.2.5 Step 5: Creating the Pupil and Iris.2.4 Step 4: Shading Lightly Around the Eye.2.3 Step 3: Features Surrounding the Eyes.2.2 Step 2: Creating the Shape of the Eyes.2.1 Step 1: Measurements and Grid Lines.2 Step-by-Step Instructions on How to Draw Eyes.1 Take Note Before Attempting Your Drawn Eyes.